We value the security and privacy of our clients very seriously. We are committed to protecting your online privacy. Please find below our privacy policy to inform you of the way we use information and offer better services.

We collect data about you.

It is important that you know the kind of data we collect on our website. You can find information on your email address, name, street address as well as business name, postal code city, country as well as your telephone number and password and password, among other things. We collect data on various methods. Cookies are used to collect and consolidate non-personally identifiable data about users. Personal identifiable data could be described as specific data about an individual, such as your credit card numbers or bank accounts. The information you provide is unique to you.

Information can be beneficial in many ways

Make sure you type the same details only once.

Find out more about products or services, as well as information fast.

Help us find out the most relevant and interesting web-based content.

Be informed about the most recent news and updates.

Registration and ordering

If you sign up you\’ll be asked to input your name, as well as your shipping and bill-to addresses, phone number, email address, as well as the credit card number. We may also ask you to give us your country of residency so we are able to comply with applicable laws. The information we collect is in order to manage your bill and complete your purchase. These data can be used for internal marketing, or to inform clients about their purchase or on your website. If we have a problem during the order process, we may communicate with you using the data we have collected.

Email Addresses

You can enjoy amazing offers by signing up for our newsletter. You can take part in any contest that you want and we\’ll provide you with the details.

3. Privacy Protection

As part of our standard business practices, we do not divulge (or rent) or sell personal information with other businesses. We use the latest technology in encryption. All employees must sign confidentiality agreements that limit their rights to share information.